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BWC would like to thank The Fonthill Foundation for awarding ToyBox Early Years a grant of £5,000.  “We are absolutely delighted to have received this £5,000 grant, and we extend our heartfelt thanks for this invaluable support. Grants like these are integral to the work we do at ToyBox, allowing us to provide individualised, trauma-informed … Read more

Children from families with a background of traumatic life experiences or with complex needs don’t always get the education they should. ToyBox believe that every child has the right to a good education and to learn in a safe and caring environment. It’s the foundation for a productive and rewarding life.

Inspectors observed children thoroughly enjoying the inclusive and nurturing pre-school, crediting staff with their knowledge and relationships with the children and for delivering a superbly planned, varied and well-thought-out, flexible curriculum.

Our ToyBox Early Years manager Gemma Turner has made it into the top 10 Finalists for The 2021 Famly’s Children’s Champion of the year! During the pandemic, Gemma completely changed the way the nursery ran by transforming it into a family service hub.

ToyBox Early Years has received £5,000 funding from the Sussex Community Foundation, enabling the Ofsted-registered pre-school to continue to provide affordable and accessible childcare to women and families in Brighton & Hove.